The Problem

As of the current version of Bootstrap (V3.3.1) there exists an issue with Affix function and vertical scrolling. For certain vertical sizes of the document inside the browser window, scrolling down will have a flickering effect on the content. This happens right when the Affix element is supposed to stick to its position; instead you are met with an ugly scrolling action. You can see this behavior below.

Bootstrap Affix Vertical Scroll Flickering

Here’s the code used to capture the behavior above: If you adjust the height of the browser to the right size you should be able to replicate this issue.

Diving Into Behavior

Affix works by replacing CSS classes on the Affix element when you scroll past certain offset. In the example code above, the top offset is set to 100px in affix function because that’s the height of the Header and we want the NavBar to stick to the top after you scroll 100px down, past the header.

  offset: {
    top: 100

When scrolling the document down exceeds the specified offset, Bootstrap adds the CSS class affix to the Affix element. If you look at the CSS code for .affix class you can see that the CSS property position is set to fixed.

Affix CSS Class

When an element is set to fixed, it’s removed from the regular flow of the layout in the browser. The space that the NavBar occupied in the original document is now gone. If the document height was 500px to begin with and the NavBar occupied 100px of it, after we make NavBar element fixed, the document height will become 400px.

You can check out this effect here: Click the button in the NavBar to see the original height of the document. Scroll down until the NavBar is fixed on top and then click on the button again to see the document height. They should be different.

This document height re-adjustment causes an issue with Affix function. Even though we just passed the 100px top offset and the affix CSS class was added to the NavBar element, Affix function recalculates the current scroll position and finds that it’s less that 100px because of the removal of NavBar element from the layout due to fixed positioning. Bootstrap removes affix CSS class and adds back affix-top class to the NavBar element, which removes it from fixed position and adds it back to the document layout. But adding NavBar back to regular document flow increases the height of the document again and the new scroll position is past 100px now which means Bootstrap will add affix CSS class back to NavBar element. This back and forth addition and removal of affix and affix-top CSS classes on NavBar causes the flickering issue.

The Fix

The fix is really simple. We just need to reserve the space in the original document layout for the Affix element no matter what type of positioning the Affix element has. Surround the Affix element with a div or any other block element having a height equal to the Affix element height. You can use either CSS or JavaScript to set the height of the wrapping element.

Option 1 Source:

<div class="nav-wrapper">
  <div class="nav"> NavBar </div>
.nav-wrapper, .nav {
  height: 60px;
  offset: {
    top: 100

Option 2 Source:

<div class="nav-wrapper">
  <div class="nav"> NavBar </div>
  offset: {
    top: 100


Note: If you have some other scripts that manipulate your Affix elements’ height, make sure to run them before you set the height on the wrapping element.